African Violet Society of Philadelphia
2008 Annual Show
"Violets in Play"
Best in Show/Tricolor
Best Semiminiature
Rob’s Heat Wave
Phyllis Haggerty
Second Best in Show
Best Miniature
Planet Kid
Betsy Branson
Third Best in Show
Best Standard
Best Lyndon Lyon Best Variegated
Frozen in Time
Betsy Branson
Best Gesneriad
Sinningia ‘Ted Bona’ seedling
Besty Gottshall
AVSA Best Collection/Semiminiatures
Rob’s Heat Wave, Rob’s Mad Cat, and That’s Show Biz
Phyllis Haggerty
Best Trailer
Rob’s Wagga Wagga
Marianne Gershon
Best Saintpaulia Species
Saintpaulia orbicularis
Judith Smith
Best Novice in African Violet Horticulture
Ma’s Prince Froggie
Robert Buswick
Best Challenge Plant
Apache Wonder
Judith Smith
Baltimore AV – Best Fantasy
That’s Show Biz
Phyllis Haggerty
Best Design/Tricolor
Best Container Garden
“Dish Garden”
Judith Smith
Best Interpretive Flower Arrangement
Phyllis Haggerty
Best Novice/Design
“Dish Garden”
Betsy Gottshall
Court of Honor
Violets at Play
African Violet Society of Philadelphia
2008 Show
African Violet Society of Philadelphia
2008 Show